They could not heal and so any wounds they receive and its associated pains persist until they are driven insane. I've been posting threads about new Graphic Audio adaptations for Brandon's books for some time now, and I've realized that they are not very good discussion threads in part because not many people listed to the GA audiobooks, in part because there isn't much to discuss. Jun 20, Alex rated it really liked it. Lots of Brandon's work coming! Login Request Forum Share. The story itself was a bit long-winded in places, especially in parts 1 and 2. elantris graphic audio

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GraphicAudio Review I was blown away by the quality of the production more so than the actual content of the book.

Elantris, Part 3 of 3

Also changed elanris format a little elabtris - still not happy with it though. But I also want more. Those so chosen go to live in the city of Elantris — a place of wonder and magic, where the transformed Elantrians spend there time pursuing knowledge and art and dispensing gifts of healing and food and more on the citizens of Arelon. A good solid ending, with hints of more to come. And Graphic Audio, my hat is off to you.

A really decent audiobook, Sanderson is quickly becoming one of my fave fantasy authors. Regardless of whether we dis like the Graphic Audio approach to audiobooks, and regardless of whether we can afford them or not, I think grapihc can all agree that pretty Cosmere art is always a good thing, and fortunately the artists GA works with are on point there.

Feb 09, Brian rated it really liked it. At the elatris was hard to read, because it was to slow for me. This changed when an eighth grade teacher gave him Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly.

Elantris by GraphicAudio | Graphic Audio | Free Listening on SoundCloud

That's where the links should be taking you, yeah. While it is often based on a recording auddio commercially available printed material, this eoantris not always the case.

It happened long enough ago 20 years, I think he says that I wonder if she is the case study that Riyodan finds that leads him to understand why they were stuck in undying bodies. I like all the stories but hers I like best.

Well, I can see why this advice exists.

Sep 24, Melody rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm sorry it is only one volume. I don't have a very elamtris brain, so when listening to a book I normally catch glimpses of certain scenes if I concentrate enough, but with GA's productions, the sounds, different people voicing different characters, etc And I must recommend this book to all fans, of not only Audioo Sanderson, but fantasy fans in general.

All of The Way of Kings parts now have release dates, and we have nice pictures of both Shallan part 3 and Szeth part 4.

elantris graphic audio

No high resolution art that I've been able to find. The book ends with the hint of more to come, and certainly there are things unresolved.

New Elantris Audio Edition | Brandon Sanderson

The narration consists of close on thirty different voice actors who could actually act. In previous reviews I mentioned Hrathen's redemption arc and without spoiling anything about the details of this book, I elanris he is definitely a prime candidate for the idea of someone who can believe in a religion that's being used for evil and not be evil himself. Jun 07, Bressain Dinkelman rated it really liked it Shelves: Review valid for all three audiobooks in the seties. This leaves me with so many questions: The links don't work for me.

elantris graphic audio

Open Preview See a Problem? Full review posted in Part 1 of 3. Mar 13, Bonnie Jean rated it really liked it Shelves: It really captures the essence of elzntris books.

Jun 09, Ian rated it really liked it. I look forward to the other full cast audiobooks by Sanderson. I love audiobooks in general, but listening to this format really gets me into the book. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.


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